The Climate Resilience Plan, addendum to the 2023 Climate Action Plan, is now available.
The addendum to the 2023 Climate Action Plan, the Climate Resilience Plan, was presented to the Board of Regents at their June 2024 meeting.
The first phase of the University of Minnesota Twin Cities’ Climate Action Plan, completed in May of 2023, created the strategy to advance carbon neutrality for the campus. It also assessed the vulnerabilities and strengths of the Twin Cities campus to current and increasing climate hazards.
This second phase, the Climate Resilience Plan, completes the strategies to prepare and respond to the regional climate hazards as researched by the Minnesota Climate Adaptation Partnership here at the U. The strategies relate to the University's campus community, infrastructure & energy systems, and environment.
Since June of 2023, a work group composed of faculty, staff and students created a vision, goals, objectives, and strategies for this Climate Resilience Plan. Guided by the vision to foster “A University community thriving in the face of climate change,” the work group built on expert knowledge, data, as well as interdisciplinary discussion to build the plan. Twelve further focus groups were engaged as well as two Open House opportunities to hear and embed feedback. The Twin Cities Office of Sustainability finalized the plan and it was presented to the Board of Regents at their June 2024 meeting.