Katey Pelican
Katey Pelican, DVM, PhD
Co-Lead of UMN Sustainable Development Initiative
UMN Sustainable Development Initiative

Katey Pelican is a founding co-director of the UMN's Strategic Partnerships and Research Collaborative (SPARC) and has led large-scale trans-disciplinary, multisectoral programs at UMN since she arrived in 2007. She was initially hired by the University to start an Ecosystem Health program at the College of Veterinary Medicine, a program that has now grown into a 16 member One Health Division focused on addressing local and global health challenges at the intersection of humans, animals and the changing environment. Since then, Dr. Pelican has overseen over $85 million implementing programs in the One Health realm. She was Principal Investigator of the USAID One Health Workforce Project, which supported university networks in Africa and Asia to build a global workforce to prevent, detect and respond to infectious disease threats.