All students living in campus residencies are welcome to sign up for a free organics bin that they can use for the rest of the semester. These bins are small, black mesh bins that require green BPI bags for organics collection, which can be found at the front desk of each residence hall.
When the semester has concluded, students can either leave their bins in their residence halls on their desks, or they can turn them in. Contact [email protected] for more information.
How to get a bin:
Email [email protected] or reach out to your residence hall’s Sustainability Advocates. Sustainability Advocates will also be holding tabling events throughout the semester to distribute organics bins to students who are interested in participating in the program.
Organics recycling is important! Each year, nearly 40 million tons of food waste is sent to landfills in the United States, contributing to high methane emissions when incorrectly disposed of. Properly discarding your food waste can help!
Email [email protected] with any questions.