Tom Ritzer has been Campus Landscape Architect since 1999, and a practicing landscape architect since 1991. Prior to joining the U's Landcare department, he worked on a variety of urban infill and municipal park projects for two local A&E firms. Tom is a U of M alumnus, with an MS in Natural Resource Management from CFANS, and a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture from CDES. He participates as co-instructor for FW2001, which examines the balance between campus land use choices and potential ecosystem services. Tom works to help Landcare present a beautiful, safe, accessible and sustainable campus year round. He believes that the campus should be aesthetically pleasing and operationally sustainable while also providing ecosystem services like carbon sequestration and storm water management. Toward that end, he investigated potential green roof retrofits as a storm water management tool for the Twin Cities West Bank campus, and he drafted Landcare's Tree Replacement Principles to introduce more biodiversity in the campus urban forest. Tom has introduced green infrastructure on several recent campus projects, including the tree trenches and bio-filtration garden on Pleasant Street. He also leads the development of the Landscape Management Plan, which details Landcare's approach to sustainable campus management and identifies opportunities to make the Twin Cities campus beautifully sustainable.