Stormwater Illicit Discharge

What is Stormwater?

"Stormwater runoff is generated from rain and snowmelt events that flow over land or impervious surfaces, such as paved streets, parking lots, and building rooftops, and does not soak into the ground. The runoff picks up pollutants like trash, chemicals, oils, and dirt/sediment that can harm our rivers, streams, lakes, and coastal waters. To protect these resources, communities, construction companies, industries, and others, use stormwater controls, known as best management practices (BMPs). These BMPs filter out pollutants and/or prevent pollution by controlling it at its source." (EPA

What is Illicit Discharge?

"Federal regulations define an illicit discharge as '...any discharge to an MS4 that is not composed entirely of stormwater...' with some exceptions." Some examples are the dumping of motor vehicle fluids, household hazardous waste, paint, grass clippings, leaf litter, cigarettes, or animal waste. The exceptions include discharges from water-line flushing, landscape irrigation, air conditioning condensate, and discharges from fire-fighting activities. Illicit discharges are considered 'illicit' because "MS4s are not designed to accept, process, or discharge such non-stormwater wastes." (EPA)

What are MS4s?

MS4s are municipal storm sewer systems.  The storm sewer system is made up of conveyances, pipes and drains that direct stormwater runoff into local waterways, the Mississippi. Stormwater, and all the pollutants it carries, travels through the storm sewer systems and is discharged as is with no cleaning or treatment before entering waterways. The storm sewer system is not intended to deal with any polluted water. These conveyances (pipes and drains) go through roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, storm drains etc. that are:

  • Owned or operated by a public entity 
  • Designed or used for collecting or conveying stormwater
  • Not a combined sewer
  • Not part of a publicly owned treatment works 

University of MN has an MS4 permit to reduce the amount of sediment and other pollutants entering state waters from stormwater systems. 


As water runs across landscapes and streets into storm drains, it picks up and carries away pollutants such as cigarette butts, trash, salt, vehicle fluids or yard waste. These pollutants, sediments, nutrients and bacteria can have harmful effects on aquatic ecosystems and human health. This contaminated, untreated water eventually makes its way into the Mississippi River where it contaminates water, reduces water quality and clarity, and can cause harm to fish and wildlife. Considering our campus' location right along the banks of the Mississippi River, it is essential that we take care of this critical shared resource. UMN is one of the largest landholders on the river, meaning stormwater runoff best management practices (BMPs) deployed on the Twin Cities campus will have a big impact. More than 50 communities rely on the Mississippi for daily water supply (NPS)

The University of Minnesota's commitment to addressing storm water runoff from campus, as detailed in the campus-specific Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP), is to reduce pollutants to the maximum extent practicable.

How can I help?  

Only stormwater down the drain! No dumping of harmful materials such paint waste and auto and household chemicals into any drains. Do not wash your car in the street! Why? When cars are washed into the street and driveways, that dirty water makes its way into storm drains and into water bodies and the Mississippi. Water that runs off a car when it is washed generates oil, grease, sediments, metals, gasoline, degreasing solvents, cleaning solutions and detergents that are harmful to water bodies. Take your car to a commercial car wash when your car needs cleaning! Most commercial car washes recycle the water and send wastewater to treatment systems where it is treated before being discharged into a waterway. (MPCA)

Another way to help is to follow the campus cigarette ban! Smoking cigarettes, and all other forms of tobacco use, are prohibited on campus. This not only has benefits for personal health, but also for stormwater health and the environment as a whole. When cigarette butts are discarded in the streets, sidewalks, or driveways, we may not think much of it. But these tiny pieces of trash are filled with toxic chemicals that get washed into the drains and ditches and end up polluting the water bodies and the Mississippi! Cigarette butts are the single most collected item found on beaches and near waterways every year. Do not toss cigarettes on the street but through them away in proper receptacles. (Truth Initiative)

Other good tips to follow to reduce illicit stormwater discharge: Freeze grease and oils and dispose of them in the trash instead of dumping them down the sink drain. Pick up your pet waste and throw it in the trash. Limit your use of fertilizers and pesticides. Blow grass clippings and leaves back into your yard and away from the street. If any of these end up in the street they will reach a storm drain and enter into a water body.

In daily life and around campus, you can help by picking up trash and pet waste and avoid use of pollutants like ice melt or salt. If you observe an illicit discharge on campus, please report those findings to the University Health & Safety On-Call Program: [email protected] or 612-626-6004 (24-hr Line)

Click to see the EPA's list of illicit discharges

All Sustainability News

Do you have input regarding the University of Minnesota Twin Cities' Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program? 

"Illicit discharges are considered 'illicit' because MS4s are not designed to accept, process, or discharge such non-stormwater wastes." (EPA) As water runs down the street into storm drains, contaminated with illicit discharge (such as cigarette butts, trash, salt, vehicle fluids, or yard waste) from the street, it flows back down through the stormwater system and back into the river. Learn how you can help or report illicit discharge on campus.

Facilities Management’s Landcare team is the primary snow removal service provider for the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus, responsible for clearing nearly 100 miles of streets and walkways, and over 100 acres of parking surfaces. Learn more:

Climate Literacy 101 with Mayor Melvin Carter and Dr. Heidi Roop

Thursday, 11/14 from 11am-2pm: The Climate Literacy 101 interactive workshop is designed to interpret the science and impacts of climate change for broad action, on campus and beyond. 

We will be joined by special guests Melvin Carter, Mayor of St. Paul, and Dr. Heidi Roop, Assistant Director for Climate Services, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and UMN Climate Adaptation Partnership.

Thursday, November 14th, 11am-2pm. Coffman Union, Mississippi Room (3rd floor). M Food Co is providing a "Climate Cool" lunch.

The University of Minnesota Twin Cities continues to show its leadership in sustainability, earning recognition in The Princeton Review’s Guide to Green Colleges: 2025 Edition. UMN Twin Cities received a perfect Green Rating score of 99, making it one of the top eco-friendly institutions. This rating evaluates universities based on campus sustainability, student life, and how well schools prepare students for careers in the clean-energy economy. This achievement emphasizes UMN's dedication to creating an environmentally conscious campus and providing students with a sustainable future. Discover how UMN Twin Cities is making a positive impact on campus and our planet!

The University of Minnesota's upcoming Climate Literacy Teach-In event is on November 14th from 11am-2pm. This events aims to engage students and faculty in meaningful discussions about climate change. With interactive activities, expert-led discussions, and a kickoff breakfast hosted by the Learning Abroad Center, participants will have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of climate issues and learn practical actions they can take. Additionally, a self-guided climate conversation activity allows individuals to facilitate discussions anywhere and anytime, emphasizing the importance of personal climate stories to drive climate awareness and change.

Green Labs Open House.png
Green Labs Open House events

Are you interested in learning more about lab sustainability efforts on campus and the new UMN Green Labs Certification Program and how to green your lab? Have you wondered how you could save energy in your lab and lower costs? Join one of two upcoming Green Labs Open House events co-hosted by the Office of Sustainability and the College of Biological Sciences. Learn more

This fall, the University of Minnesota’s FM Landcare team is planting 105 climate-adaptable trees across campus to diversify the landscape and increase resilience against pests. The trees being planted include a mix of borderline hardy species, new varieties for the campus, and reliable or native trees. Sourced from the campus gravel bed nursery, these trees are easy to plant and acclimate quickly to their environment. Learn more about the tree varieties and discover climate-resilient options for your own yard in this story map publication from the UMN Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.

This fall, the University of Minnesota’s Office of Sustainability is hosting a series of educational and engaging events to help deepen your knowledge of sustainability, climate change, and actions you can take on campus and beyond. With insightful Coffee Chats featuring experts and a hands-on Climate Literacy Teach-In, these events provide a great opportunity to connect with professionals, learn from your peers, and take steps toward a greener future. From ice core research to food security on campus, each session provides a new insight on different sustainability topics.

All events are free and open to the anyone that attends the University of Minnesota. Don’t miss out—mark your calendars, grab your coffee, and join us in working toward a more sustainable campus!

Resilience Plan now available

The Climate Resilience Plan, addendum to the 2023 Climate Action Plan, is now available.

Learn more   See the Plan