Snow removal
How does the University of Minnesota use salt in snow removal operations?

Facilities Management’s Landcare team is the primary snow removal service provider for the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus, responsible for clearing nearly 100 miles of streets and walkways, and over 100 acres of parking surfaces. Landcare added anti-icing to the University’s winter maintenance program in 2006, which led to notable cost savings and reduced environmental impact. Landcare staff complete Smart Salting training through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and in all operations, the Landcare team works hard to balance the importance of public safety with thoughtful stewardship of natural and constructed resources on our beautiful campus.

So, how do they do it? Before a forecasted snowfall, Landcare sprays salt brine anti-icing agent on roads and sidewalks. The brine solution prevents ice layers from forming and bonding with the surface of the roads and sidewalks, making removal of accumulated snow easier and more efficient, and reducing the need for additional salt applications. The use of anti-icing solutions allows the University to cut salt and sand use by several hundred tons per year, thus saving thousands of dollars, improving air quality, decreasing silt build-up, and reducing harmful runoff to stormwater systems and receiving water bodies. 

If you see white lines on roads or sidewalks on campus, you know that the surface has likely been pretreated by Landcare. As always, be sure to practice safe winter habits, Gophers!

All Sustainability News

Now nearly one year into our 10 year Climate Action Plan implementation, work is underway by the Office of Sustainability along with working groups and climate champions across our campus. Take a look at what's in progress so far in energy supply, energy demand, commuting, University fleet, and U sponsored travel.

CAP Progress

April is Earth Month! Check out our frequently updated list of events to get involved. Check it out.

Join us Friday, March 22nd from 10-11am for a chat from sustainable aviation fuel experts!

We'll be hearing from three speakers, Pat Gruber, CEO of Gevo, Shiri Ramaswamy, professor in Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering at UMN, and William Northrop, professor in Mechanical Engineering at UMN.

Register now!

In 2023, the University of Minnesota achieved over 8 million kilowatt hours in electricity savings, exceeding the goal we set in partnership with Xcel Energy! That’s enough electricity to power 880 average Minnesota homes for a year and avoid 5 million pounds of CO2 emissions.

CAP Town Hall Sustainability Committee 2022

Join the Twin Cities Sustainability Committee (TCSC)! The committee was launched in the fall of 2021 with a charge of guiding the MPact 2025 goal to “Build a fully sustainable future” as stated in the Systemwide Strategic Plan. Moving forward, the committee’s work will advise the Twin Cities Office of Sustainability on all activities, inclusive of operations, teaching, research, and outreach. This committee is open to staff, faculty, undergraduate & graduate students. Apply by 4/1.

Learn More

University of Minnesota Twin Cities has won the 2023 GameDay Football Zero Waste Touchdown Challenge in the Food Organics Per Capita category! 

This achievement underscores our commitment to waste reduction, putting sustainability at the forefront of our athletic spaces.

Building a Fully Sustainable Future 2023-2024 with a backdrop of fall colors and plants

The 2023-2024 Systemwide Sustainability Report for the University of Minnesota Board of Regents is now available!

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is aiming to make public buildings like hospitals and schools more resilient against future disasters by paying to install solar panels when they are rebuilt. Read more

Resilience and Adaptation Open House promo banner

Join us for the Climate Resilience & Adaptation Open House! 
Wednesday, February 21st, 2024, 3-5pm
1425 University Ave, room 175
Your opinion matters! Join the Office of Sustainability on Wednesday, February 21st from 3pm to 5pm at 1425 University Ave to review and provide insights on the Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan objectives and strategies. We want to hear what you think - tell us what we missed or what resonates with you. Open house format - come and go as you please. Light refreshments provided.


Fall 2023 Sustainability Advocates from SUST3480 conducted a recent Campus Engagement Project at the University of Minnesota aimed to improve the satisfaction and sustainability of the campus transportation system (Gopher Trip). They distributed a Sustainable Transportation Survey, gathering responses from 57 students to assess current challenges and future possibilities.